阿片样物质 & 刺激性事件回放

Note: Web-based recordings are now required to include transcripts or closed captioning to meet federal requirements. The Zoom event platform automatically creates a transcript. However, it is not uncommon for errors to occur in software generated transcriptions.



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Event featuring standout experts on methamphetamines and the courts. Approved for CJE credits.

CJE Certificate of AccreditationPDF下载

重播  |  主持人的幻灯片 (State Courts System Login Required)PDF下载



Champions 峰会随需应变

Session replays are available from the September month-long live events.

访问视频 在这里 with agenda of standout speakers and timely topics!


〇新出现的毒品威胁 Vital News for 拉菲2客户端
May 12, 2023 from Noon to 1:30 PM (ET), featuring John Eadie

记录 (密码:LcI.6Am2)  |  主持人的幻灯片PDF下载  |  CJE学分PDF下载

OSCA Webinar - Emerging Drug Threats in the US and Florida. Featuring national expert John Eadie. May 12, 2023 from noon to 1:30pm. 拉菲2客户端 阿片类药物 and Stimulants Response.


药物种类、趋势、 & Tactics for Courts to Know
Featuring Jermaine Galloway, "Tall Cop"
PLUS an update on 拉菲2客户端 阿片类药物 & Stimulants RESPONSE initiatives and plans.
March 17, 2023  |  12:00 – 1:15 PM Eastern

记录 (Intranet Access Required)  |   CJE学分PDF下载



Medications for 阿片样物质 Use Disorder in Drug Courts and the Criminal Justice System:
Enhancing Utilization and Addressing Service Barriers

Featuring Doug Marlowe, JD, PhD
PLUS Results from OSCA of Florida Survey on These & 其他适时的话题
March 25, 2022  |  12:00 – 2:00 PM Eastern

记录  |   SAMHSA讲义PDF下载  |   MOUD讲义PDF下载
主持人的幻灯片PDF下载  |  CJE学分PDF下载  |   Florida ADC Survey ResultsPDF下载


Behavioral Health: Approaches for Lasting Addiction 复苏
的见解 & 法庭资源
March 4, 2022  |  12:00 – 2:00 PM Eastern

记录  |  幻灯片(博士. 约翰·凯利)PDF下载  | 幻灯片(SMART恢复)PDF下载
幻灯片(Marcia Elder)PDF下载  |  CJE学分PDF下载





Latest Developments in Substance Use & 司法设定工作
September 24, 2021  |  12:30 – 2:00 PM Eastern
Speakers: Mark Parrino - AATOD; Dr. Janetta Iwanacki, MD – RADARS; Dr. 蒂莎·威利- NIDA

记录  |  幻灯片(博士. 美国威利)  |  幻灯片(博士. Janetta Iwanicki,医学博士)  |  继续教育学分PDF下载


New Drug Threats: Latest on Stimulants & 阿片类药物的危机
September 3, 2021  |  12:00 – 1:30 PM Eastern
Speaker: John Eadie, National Emerging Threats Initiative, HIDTA

记录  |  主持人的幻灯片  |  继续教育学分PDF下载


高瞻远瞩: Drug Trends for Courts to Know
August 9, 2021  |  12:00 - 1:15 PM Eastern
Speaker: Jermaine Galloway, “Tall Cop”

施舍  |   CJE学分PDF下载  |  继续教育学分PDF下载


Lived Experience Success Stories: Participants in Treatment & 复苏
 July 30, 2021  |  12:30 - 2:00 PM Eastern



生物-心理-社会一个 pp roaches of Treatment and 复苏:
What Courts 需要知道 About Improving Substance Abuse Disorder Outcomes

May 14, 2021  |  1:00 - 2:30 PM Eastern
Featuring Jessica Hulsey, founder and CEO, Addiction Policy Forum



的心理学 整体 gy of Addiction: What Courts 需要知道
March 12, 2021  |  12:00 – 3:00 PM Eastern

Motivating and Engaging Hard-to-Reach People into Accountable, 协作处理, 作为其中的一部分, the power of Motivational Interviewing taught by renowned expert, Dr. David Mee-Lee,医学博士

Addressing Grief During the Stimulant & 阿片样物质 Crisis, including parallels of grief and loss in drug use recovery & 支持
Derrick Johnson, MA, LCMHC, LCAS, MAC, NCC.

  记录  |  CJE学分PDF下载  |  继续教育学分PDF下载





Engaging Participants in the 复苏 Process
Live event held August 7, 2020  
T在这里’s some brief unexpected background noise near the beginning of this recording.


OUD的科学,MAT & 创伤
Live event held August 14, 2020


行为干预 & Relapse Prevention; Special Considerations for Pregnancy

Live event held August 21, 2020


Practical Implications for the Courts
Event held live August 28, 2020
Special requirements apply to this session and it is being placed on the
Intranet for court personnel access only. 需要登录.


Tools for Effective Outcomes: Digital, Organizational & Other 资源 for the Courts
Held as live event September 4, 2020


Faces Behind the Cases In Daily Practice & Strategies for Engaging Participants
From live event held September 11, 2020


Trends in 阿片样物质 and Stimulant Use in the United States; Potential Impact in Treatment Policy Considerations for Courts
Held live on September 18, 2020


道德 & 洛杉矶 w: Considerations for Problem Solving, Dependency, Drug Courts
Aired live September 25, 2020 12:30 – 3:00 PM Eastern


领导人 时髦的年代 potlight
引人注目的  interview with Judge Jeri Beth Cohen.

Last Modified: August 16, 2024